Diabetes Care: Quick Guide for a Well-balanced Meal

fruits and vegetables with diabetes sign on tabletop

Does your loved one have diabetes? As one of the chronic diseases in America today, diabetes requires diligent management. With proper management, you can prevent any complications. A method to practice proper Diabetes Care is monitoring the patient’s diet.

Healthcare teams recommend that patients will have a proper diet. This means that their meals are on a well-balanced arrangement. What makes up a well-balanced meal? Meals are well-balanced when the five elements are present. These include fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and dairy products.

As one of your healthcare teams, our Medicine Shoppe in Cape Coral, Florida is here to help you achieve proper diabetes management. Here are guidelines to achieve a balanced meal.

  • FRUITSFruits are natural sources of fiber, which improve one’s digestion. Along with that, diabetes patients can enjoy fruits because of their natural sugar. Diabetes patients need to watch their sugar levels always. So, they need to take foods that are not going to elevate these levels unnecessarily. All fresh fruits are ideal for diabetes patients, as well as canned fruits with light syrup and frozen fruits.
  • VEGETABLESVegetables are usually paired with fruits. The advantage of vegetables is that these contain vitamins and minerals essential for your loved one’s health. Along with that, these nutrients can also increase your loved one’s defense from diabetes complications. You can eat fresh and frozen vegetables. If you also choose canned vegetables, select the ones with low sodium.
  • PROTEINThe protein-rich foods are essential to build muscles and cells. With a sufficient supply of protein-rich foods, your loved one can have a better recovery from wounds. Diabetes can have complications caused by wounds. Select protein-rich foods such as fishes, chicken meat, eggs, and beans.
  • GRAINSA meal for diabetic patients will not be complete without the carbohydrate-rich foods, which are grains. In serving this food, look for whole-grain ingredients as these have more fiber than the refined version. For these foods, you can have crackers and breads made from whole grains. You can also have rice and pasta.
  • DAIRYMilk products should also be part of your loved one’s well-balanced diet. This food supplies them with calcium to increase their bone strength and dental health. These foods are essential because even minor gum wounds can already lead to major diabetes complications. The common dairy products you can include are milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Final thoughts:
For better guidance on your loved one’s diet, it is ideal to consult with a licensed dietitian. These professionals can create a dietary plan to manage their diabetes conditions. They can also recommend diets that address other health needs.

If you’re also going to need help with proper Medication Therapy Management in Florida, our licensed pharmacists can back you up! Coordinate with us at Castillo’s Pharmacy so we can help answer your inquiries and give you the assistance you need. Contact us at your convenient time.

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